Increased feed efficiency

Reduce emissions

Vistapass m m web

VistaPass M

VistaPass M enhances milk yield and efficiency in high lactating dairy cows, reducing the need for other expensive feed sources and maximising potential.

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Maximising the value of forage to reduce feed cost and improve sustainability

The image and role of ruminants on the worldwide sustainability roadmap has been under pressure as the carbon pledge for net zero by 2050 gets stronger.

AB Vista ramps up gut health portfolio with innovative natural resin acids product

Natural resin acids of Progres® offer a new route to mitigating negative effects of intestinal inflammation and improving performance in production animals. With AB Vista’s acquisition of Progres®, the company is expanding its gut health portfolio, underlining its commitment to supporting the industry reduce its reliance on antibiotics.

Helping the rumen to work smarter can help herd digestion, decrease emissions, and increase productivity

For most producers, and the nutritionists they work with, it is enough of a challenge to maintain herd performance and profitability whilst reducing overall feed inputs. Variable forage qualities and rising cereal prices certainly don’t help the situation. However, there’s are even bigger issues facing the agricultural industry due to


IPPE 2020: Understanding dietary fibre for improved gut function – Part 1

IPPE 2020: Understanding dietary fibre for improved gut function – Part 2

Laptop mock abv calculator

Online Feed Fibre Calculator

Calculate the percentage of dietary fibre in your feed

Our calculator is designed for nutritionists and uses averages of global raw materials to calculate the dietary fibre content (plus other more in-depth fibre parameters) of finished animal feed. These parameters are available within AB Vista’s Dietary Fibre analysis service (part of our NIR service).

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