Unlock the true performance of your ration
On-farm trials confirm cows fed Optipartum-C+ make more money.
- Improves milk yield
- Reduces starch excretion
- Increases body weight
- Enhances bulling rates
A new way of unlocking the true performance from your dairy ration
Dairy cows are not the most efficient at digesting and utilising feed
Optipartum-C+ optimises the post-partum performance by equipping cows to utilise more starch from ration. This means that more of the available starch that cows are regrettably excreting today can be utilised more efficiently to deliver more milk tomorrow.
International research shows that up to 20% of the starch that is fed in a typical dairy ration can be excreted by cows. Instead of it being converted into milk, it isn’t fully utilised and ends up in the dung. For farmers who often see undigested matter in the dung, there is now a simple way of converting some of that back into milk.
OptiPartum-C+ is designed to improve digestion of the ration. The complex blend of natural ingredients including a source of natural bio-complexes to enhance the breakdown of starch & some fibre – releasing more energy previously locked away within the ration.
Commercial farm trials across the globe show that by unlocking more energy from the ration with Optipartum-C+, farmers can improve milk yield (up to 2 litres), increase peak lactation and total
Easy to use – Don’t change the ration
A great deal of time and effort can be spent growing good quality silages to then provide the best quality ration. The last thing we want is for any of that to be wasted unnecessarily. In the same way, it is likely that the ration we offer will have been specified in much detail by a consultant or nutritionist. With Optipartum-C+, the ration remains the same, as cows are simply being equipped to gain even more energy from the recommended ration – wasting less of it.
The Optipartum-C+ technology has been used on some of the world’s highest yielding herds for over 10 years. This same technology is now available globally.
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Online Feed Fibre Calculator
Calculate the percentage of dietary fibre in your feed
Our calculator is designed for nutritionists and uses averages of global raw materials to calculate the dietary fibre content (plus other more in-depth fibre parameters) of finished animal feed. These parameters are available within AB Vista’s Dietary Fibre analysis service (part of our NIR service).
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