Un enfoque apasionado y colaborativo hacia la innovación

Desarrollar el poder para cambiar el status quo no es fácil. Este nace de la fascinación por los procesos fisiológicos y nos conduce al descubrimiento y del descubrimiento surge la innovación. Todos en AB Vista compartimos esa fascinación y es por este motivo es por el que trabajamos y por el que nos impulsamos en todo lo que hacemos. Desde nuestra creación en 2004, AB Vista se ha convertido en uno de los mayores proveedores de enzimas en la nutrición animal, levadura viva en la alimentación animal y producción de betaína natural para la industria mundial de la nutrición animal. Atribuimos nuestro éxito a nuestro fuerte enfoque en la integridad científica y a nuestras relaciones abiertas y colaborativas con nuestros clientes y socios de investigación.


Juan Ignacio (Nacho) Fernández (es)

Managing Director

Nacho became Managing Director of AB Vista in September 2020. He joined the feed services company in 2015 as Regional Sales Director for West and South Europe, before becoming EMEA Director in 2017. Nacho has more than 20 years’ commercial, technical and marketing experience working in the international animal feed ingredients supplier industry. He graduated as an Agricultural Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, specialising in animal nutrition and production, and holds an MBA in Marketing from ESIC Business and Marketing School of Madrid.

Mike Bedford (es)

Research Director

Mike oversees the development of enzymes in animal nutrition and live yeast in animal feed products for use in ruminant and non-ruminant feeds. Previously Mike has gained experience working in the feed additives industry in research and development teams. Following his PhD in poultry nutrition and biochemistry at University of Guelph in Canada, Mike undertook two post doctorate posts in Canada in Molecular Biology and Poultry Nutrition. Since then, Mike has written or been involved with over 200 publications – including 76 refereed full scientific papers and 92 abstracts of material presented at conferences.

Tiago Tedeschi dos Santos (es)

Global Technical & Marketing Director

Tiago joined AB Vista in 2008 as a Technical Manager based in Brazil. He then spent three years in Marlborough as our Global Technical Manager before moving back to Brazil to provide technical support to the South American market. In 2017 Tiago moved permanently to the UK to take up the position of AB Vista’s Global Technical Director, responsible for providing technical leadership to the global technical sales team. In 2018 he also assumed responsibility for Marketing. Tiago has a PhD in Physiology from Paraná's Federal University and Masters’ degree in Agrarian Sciences from the University of São Paulo. Tiago is specialised in broiler and swine nutrition research and agribusiness at Paraná's Federal University. Before joining AB Vista, Tiago worked as a swine and poultry nutritionist for several animal feed companies in Brazil.

Dieter Suida (es)

Americas Director

Dieter graduated from Viçosa Federal University with a Masters’ in Animal Science, specialising in monogastric nutrition. Having worked for international animal feed additive companies and a Brazilian premix company, Dieter has extensive experience in the swine and poultry feed industry, including advanced animal nutrition, technical services, sales and marketing. Dieter joined AB Vista in 2006 as Regional Director for Latin America, at the start of our project to launch in that region.

Alex Topsom (es)

Global Head of Supply Chain

Alex Topsom

Global Head of Supply Chain

Ian Vincent (es)

Finance Director

Ian is responsible for driving commercial change within the business. This includes implementing and managing financial and IT systems infrastructure to support AB Vista’s desire to become one of the top global animal feed additive companies. Ian gained a degree in Maths, Economics and Statistics from the University of Birmingham before going on to train as a Chartered Accountant with Arthur Andersen. With 21 years of financial experience gained in a variety of industries ranging from retail to aircraft manufacture, Ian has built up an extensive knowledge to draw upon when leading the AB Vista finance team. Ian started with the ABF group in 2002 following his appointment as Finance Director of Ryvita before joining AB Vista in January 2009.

Janette Logan (es)

Human Resources Director

Janette joined AB Vista in August 2019 and is responsible for all aspects of Human Resources. She is a Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) qualified HR professional, who prior to joining us worked across many diverse business areas including the manufacturing, automotive, leisure and chemical industries as well as the public sector, including education and local government. Prior to her move into HR, Janette worked in sales and marketing for a range of multinational organisations.

Socios y Asociaciones

Socios Locales

Animamos a nuestras oficinas a desarrollar vínculos con escuelas y universidades locales para ayudar a promover la agricultura como una opción profesional, mientras que al mismo tiempo se involucran más con la comunidad.Este apoyo local se extiende también a nuestros empleados que participan en una variedad de programas de patrocinio y voluntariado comunitario en sus regiones.

Vínculos con escuelas y universidades locales

En AB Vista estamos interesados ​​en que nuestras oficinas más grandes desarrollen vínculos con escuelas y universidades locales para ayudar a promover la agricultura como una opción profesional mientras nos involucramos más con la comunidad local.

ESC en Gales tiene vínculos con Bridgend College donde ha apoyado trabajos industriales de corto y de largo plazo, así como dando charlas sobre ensayos enzimáticos en esta institución.Nuestra oficina de Marlborough se ha asociado con la escuela secundaria local St Johns participando en sus ferias profesionales, en sus entrevistas simuladas, charlas profesionales y participando en su anual semana de la ciencia.

Soporte a la Comunidad

Nuestra oficina en Janesville, EE. UU., apoya a un equipo local en la First Lego League (FLL), presentando a los niños de 9 a 14 años la división dentro de la ciencia y la tecnología. Nuestra empleada Trisha entrena al equipo y también somos uno de sus patrocinadores para la temporada actual.

Y cuando el huracán Irma azotó la costa este de los Estados Unidos en septiembre de 2017, el equipo de nuestro laboratorio en Plantation, Florida, se ofreció como voluntario para unirse al equipo de socorro, clasificando los alimentos donados para los refugios.

© AB Vista. All rights reserved 2023